Headline News

Monday, May 14, 2012


Some members of Kingdom Protista are unicellular, others are colonial, and yet others are multicellular. Note that in the colonial forms, all the cells are similar with similar, generalized functions, whereas in the truly multicellular species, the “body” of the organism consists of a variety of types of cells, each type with its own specialized function. These organisms are all eukaryotes (they have a true nucleus). They all need some kind of a water-based environment--which can be fresh or marine water, snow, damp soil, polar bear hairs--in which to live. All are aerobic and have mitochondria to do cellular respiration, and some have chloroplasts and can do photosynthesis. Most of them reproduce or grow by mitosis, and some reproduce by meiosis and fertilization. Many can form cysts in adverse conditions. Protists are a major component of plankton.
Protists are grouped into three major, unofficial categories based on means by which they obtain nutrition. These are the Protozoa, the Algae, and the Fungus-like Protists. For some reason, botanists use the word “Division” to mean the same taxonomic level as “Phylum”, and since, way back everything was lumped in as either a plant or an animal, taxonomists who study Kingdom Protista (and those who study Kingdom Fungi) also still use the word “Division” to mean “Phylum”, so for example, when “Division Rhizopoda” is listed below, that means the same thing as saying “Phylum Rhizopoda”.

Genetically modified humans: Here and more coming soon

CHILDREN with three parents might sound like monstrous chimeras, but they are among us already. In the late 1990s, an American team created the first genetically engineered humans by adding part of the egg of one woman to the egg of another, to treat infertility. When the US Food and Drug Administration got wind of the technique it was promptly banned, though related methods have been used in other countries.
Now a research team in the UK is experimenting with creating three-parent embryos. This time, the goal is to prevent children inheriting a rare group of serious diseases caused by faulty mitochondria, the powerhouses in our cells. Mitochondrial diseases affect at least 1 in 8000 people, probably more, and there are no treatments.


By Pdt. Dr. A. Ginting Suka
Pertemuan Injil dan kebudayan
Injil diberitakan ditengah-tengah dunia yang penuh kebudayaan yang bentuknya dapat diumpamakan seperti kue lapis. Lapisan-lapisan kebudayaan itu misalnya di Indonesia terdiri darilapisan yang diwarnai oleh agama pribumi, Hinduisme, Buddhisme, Islam, Kristen dan terakhir modernisme. Intensitas pengaruh itu berbeda satu dengan lain bergantung pada etnografis,geografis dan sejarah masing-masing wilayah. Tetapi bagaimanapun Injil yang diberitakan itu tetapberhadapan dengan kebudayaan bangsa-bangsa dan suku-suku. Dalam pertemuan injil dan kebudayaan tersebut, secara khusus adalah dengan unsur-unsurkebudayaan yang pasti terdapat dalam semua kebudayaan yang dinamai unsur kebudayaanuniversal, terdiri dari : Sistem relegi dan upacara keagamaan, Sistem dan organisasi masyarakat, Sistem pengetahuan, Sistem bahasa, Sistem Kesenian, Sistem Mata pencaharian, dan Sistem teknologi. Lapisan-lapisan kebudayaan itu tidak statis, masing-masing saling berpenetarasi, maka unsur kebudayaan yang universal itu selalu berada dalam perubahan.

The Birth of Civilization in Ancient India

            India possesses one of the most ancient civilizations on Earth.  Not only did it come third after Mesopotamia and Egypt, it shares with China the distinction of having the longest-running continuous culture in the world.  The key to this longevity was not geography as one might suppose since the origins of Indian civilization are quite near some of the most daunting terrain in the world.  Shielded by the Himalaya Mountains and the Indian Ocean, the area first populated in India might be assumed to have dwelt in isolation.  Instead, the unique way of life born along the Indus River Valley was the product of the confluence of many outside “invaders.”  This unique culture created such a stable society as to endure transplantation and invasion unlike any other culture since.

Top 9 Supernutrients

Untuk mendapatkan kesehatan yang prima tubuh kita memerlukan asupan gizi yang tidak sedikit untuk setiap harinya... dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi itu kita memerlukan makanan yang bergizi tinggi.. apa sajakah makanan super gizi yang sangat baik untuk kita konsumsi?? dan apa saja kandungan dari makanan super gizi ini sehingga mereka baik untuk di konsumsi setiap hari??